Shiny Rock Group Website

Website design and development for Shiny Rock Group. The Shiny Rock Group comprises Shiny Rock Commodities and Shiny Rock Property Services. Each division has its own website and both are linked to the main Shiny Rock Group website.

Shiny Rock Commodities is a boutique commodity brokerage which brokers in physical commodities around the world and Shiny Rock Property Services is a boutique property brokerage based in South Africa. Becuase each division operate in different sectors a website was required for each of the distinct divisions. Only limited content was avaliable at the time the project was undertaken but it is foressen that as the business grows additional content will be displayed on the websites going forward.



Although only a limited amount of contnet would be displayed on the websites it was decided that rather than have a single website for the group it would be preferable in the long term to have each divisions content on separate domains as each operates in its own business sector. To ensure that both Shiny Rock Property Services and Shiny Rock Commodities are easily recognisable as being part of the Shiny Rock Group the design aesthetic and overall look and feel of the websites were kept the same across all three domains. For the user moving from website to website is seamless but this model offers the ability for each of the sites to develop as required going forward.



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