Search Engine Submission

Letting the search engines know of your sites existance in many cases requires that the site be submitted to the search engines.

As search engines are maturing along with the rest of the internet modern search engines such as google have advanced to the point where a site no longer needs to be submitted to the search engine in order for it to be indexed. Modern search engines will find the site itself in due course and index its contents, provided the site is linked to from another site that Google has indexed.

There are however many other important search engines and directories that still require the website to  be submitted to the search engine or directory in order for it to be indexed. For this reason search engine and directory submission is still an important part of any site launch and ongoing promotion.

The search engine submission procedure differs from search engine to search engine depending upon the requirements of the specific engine. These differences usually relate to the type of and amount of information about the site being submitted.

There is however little to be gained by simply submitting a web site it it is not optimized for the search engines to ensure that the site content can be properly understood and indexed by the search engine. It is therefore advisable to have a profesional site assessment performed on the site and search engine optimisation implimented if required prior to submission.

All websites designed and developed by Virtual Showrooms place a high degree of importance on ensuring that the entire website is optimised for search engine. 


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