Lilliput Sewage Systems Website

Lilliput Sewage Systems is a leading South African developer, manufacturer and supplier of sewage treatment plants and systems that has installed domestic and industrial sewage treatment solutions throughout South Africa and worldwide.

Lilliput already had a number of websites but this site was orininally intended as a means of developing and expanding the business into a franchise or agency based type of business. Apart from general information about the company and its sewage treatment systems the site would also require a section specifically targeting visitors interested in the agency or franchise aspect. Lilliput has been at the forefront of sewage plant research and development for many years but there other players in the domestic sewage treatment and processing industry such as the Scarab sewage treatment system, Bio-Systems, BioBox and Clearedge to name a few. This meant that good search engine visibility and ranking was important.



The site was built using our CMS which enables easy updating of the site. Unfortunately very little in the way of unique content was provided for the site so much of the content diplayed on the site is the same as that displayed on the other Lilliput sites. This has hampered efforts to achieve better search engine results rankings.

Decorative images for the site are managed via the CMS to make it easy to add new photographs of sewage treatment systems to the site as decorative elements as and when they become available. The images are displayed on the site with a filleted corner rectangular border and any new images added to the site would also need to have the border added otherwise they would look out of place within the established design. Fortunately our proprietry image uploader system which is integrated into the CMS is able crop , resize and add the border to the photographs during the upload process. This means that no specilised software or pre-processing of the photographs is required prior to uploading.

The site will benefit greating by the implimentation of the projects miodule of the cms which can be customisd to suit the specific requirements of displaying detailed information and specifications about sewage treatment installations and projects. This would enable a portfolio of past and ongoing sewage treatment projects to be displayed on the site.


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