The brief was to create a web site that would enable each product to have a detailed specification page that would display the features and images of each product. The individual specification pages would include features to enable to display of all products that are similar or related to the product shown on the specification page.
To clearly illustrate each product 3D virtual models of each product were created which enabled each product to be shown from a variety of angles. The 3D images also enabled consistancy of image content across the entire site.
Site features a custom written database enabled drop down menu system that includes scrollable menu panels for inclusion of entire large product ranges and includes built in scalability. This menu system provides links to data by a range of criteria enables easy navigation to any product or page from any page on the site. The entire product range has been modeled in 3D and rendered as 3D computer generated images. This enables uniformity of product display as well as reducing image file size and provides a unique feel to the site. Other features include dynamically generated product teasers on each product page that show variations, similar and related products to the featured product.