Sneakers Official Merchandise Web Site

Database driven web site with fully integrated custom created content management system. The site sells official sporting merchandise and apparel with Springbok Rugby Jerseys, Sharks & Blue Bulls & Stormers Rugby Jerseys and Rugby Jerseys of the Rugby World Cup Teams being among the best sellers.

The existing sneakers site was very outdated and although the original designers had implimented a database to store product data the data structure was very limited and did not allow for any form of searching or categorising other than by a single category to which items could be assigned. The original site also did not allow for the automatic uploading and resizing of images which meant that while Sneakers staff could add product data they still relied upon the original web design company to upload images.

The new site needed to allow for easy adding and updating of products including images. A far more complex database structure was also to be implimented that enabled complex product categorisation and searching.



Created for sneakers to sell their range of official sports merchandise online. The site is a complete custom build using PHP, MYSQL and javascript. The site features a back end that enables the company to control almost all aspects of the web site content via a password secured administration section. New products can be added instantly including the uploading and resizing of product images and individual product page search engine optimisation. The order in which products are displayed is controlled by means of an elaborate yet easy to operate sport, league and team ranking system to which new sports, leagues and teams and product categories can be added or ranked at any time. Other enhanced features include a multiple currency exchange rate linked pricing system, making price updates quick and easy across the entire product range. Front end features include context sensitive dropdown search menus that display options in search boxes relevant to the option selected in the other search boxes. This client side functionality enables some very deep data mining to be accomplished without having to go through a series of options pages. Context sensitive page header graphics enable the display of different page themes linked to the content of the page being displayed. This site has a lot more built in features than can be described here fully.


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